Thursday, April 23, 2009

Cat Clothes, Yeah!

Cats wearing clothes are super-cute. This is my Samus cat, wearing a "tunnel of love" shirt that I bought to put on Ham, but Ham was too fat to fit in it, so I put it on grumpy Samus instead. She actually doesn't seem to mind wearing it too much. I was suprised. She's giving me one of her "kill all humans" looks in this picture, which is ironic with the loving message on her shirt. She might be grumpy, but she has her own special kind of love, that comes out whenever I have a blanket on me. Then she'll lay on me, her stinky face as close as she can get it to mine, and she'll purr, and sleep, and intermittently touch my face with her litter paws. She'll do this for hours, as long as I don't pet her too much. Just a little bit on her head. Samus has been more needy lately than I'm used to. She's aloof during the day, but in the early mornings and middle of the night, or really any time when we're sleeping, she has been walking around the house meowing, and scratching on our door. If I go out to make sure she's okay, she rubs all over me, but if I pet her she runs off... it's pretty weird. I bathed her a couple of weeks ago, but her greasy stinkiness is already coming back. She gets that way because she refuses to wash herself. She'll wash her front paws, and her face a little bit, but never her body. It's okay though. I appreciate her stinky, tempermental cat-love. :3

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I make my cat wear clothes too. I recently got my dog and cat matching shirts. I thought they looked pretty cute :)

ps. the matching shirt pictures will be up soon!