Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Getting Excited

There are only 17 days left until Christopher and I have to be out of our apartment! I'm getting REALLY excited about moving into a house. I'm ready for the extra space, and the yard, and the possibility of a dog because now we will have a yard. The only thing that scares me is boxing up all of our things and getting them moved. We've been in our apartment for a year and 6 months now, and it has been a really wonderful place to live. We are all nestled in with little decorations and nick nacks on all the shelves and in the corners, and it seems like a rather daunting task, but I know we'll be able to get it done in time. I'm taking all the boxes from the food shipment my work is getting in today, and I'll start filling those up with things we don't use regularly, like books and old clothes and the like. I've also started work on a couple of Halloween costumes for me and the hubby! Very fun. Very time consuming. I will update more on those later with pictures!! Right now, I need to get back to work. I'm being a slacker.

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